Community Dental Wellness Program
Spreading Smiles…
The Community Dental Wellness Program is our way of giving back to the Society. The purpose of this initiative is to spread awareness of Dental Health care in our Communities. We are especially focused on building awareness and a sense of responsibility for ones Dental care and Hygiene from a young age. Our School Dental Wellness camps are designed to screen and educate Children and make them responsible for their Oral health.
The initiative has two main objectives – to evaluate the current oral health of our community, and to emphasize the importance of a balanced diet, oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups.
On request we can conduct free dental screening onsite, and offer necessary advice and recommendations to both Adults and Children.
To arrange a visit of our team to your School or Community From AK Global Dent, please feel free to contact us at
Disclaimer:- Please note that all the information contained on this website owned by AK GlobalDent, is purely intended for educational and informative purpose only.Thereby, no information shall be treated as an alternative to consultation from a board-certified dentist for dental treatment. The pictures and testimonials provided on this website are results of actual patients and have been published over the website with the consent of respective patients. However, there is no guarantee or warranty, of any sort, whatsoever of the specific result from a particular treatment as every person has different dental structure and health conditions so the result may vary from person to person.
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