When on the path to getting a beautiful smile, we do our best to make sure you have a painless journey. However, you may experience some inevitable minor glitches on the way. The good news is this is probably temporary. We would otherwise advise you to visit us but in these unprecedented COVID times, we decided to put together some home hacks you can try to make the adjustment phase as painless as possible.
So here are some orthodontic emergencies you might find yourself in:
Mouth Sores
If you notice ulcers or sore patches in your mouth, just be sure to check if some part of your appliance is irritating the affected area. If it is, get it out of the way. You can apply a topical anesthetic or an antiseptic on the area and wait for it to heal.
Salt water rinsing is the best home remedy for any discomfort in the mouth, so go ahead and mix one tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth for 30 seconds 3-4 times a day.
Loose Brackets
If you find yourself landed with a loose bracket, examine clearly to see if it is broken yet attached to the wire or if it is detached and sliding around or fallen out.
If it is attached to the wire, leave it alone, till your orthodontist can see you. Make sure to avoid connecting elastics to that bracket.
If the bracket is completely detached/broken, you may remove it and keep it safe till you meet us on your next appointment.
Tooth Pain/Loose Teeth
It may sound scary, but we want to move your teeth during orthodontic treatment. So if you experience this, be assured that it is temporary.
For relief, Do salt water rinses. A heating pad or a warm towel placed on your cheek can help ease the pain.
Loose Wires/Poking Wires
We agree that loose or poking wires create a lot of discomfort. If you're good with your hands, you can utilize tweezers to carefully put the wire back in position. You can also use a pencil eraser to snug the poking wire back into place.
Wax is your best friend. Warm up a tiny piece of dental wax from your ortho kit, by rolling it in between your fingers, shape it into a ball and place it over the part that’s poking to alleviate discomfort.
In case you want a temporary quick fix, you can use chewing gum instead of wax but be sure not to fall asleep with it in your mouth.
If an extended piece of wire is quite long and hence poking you, use nail clippers (sterilize them in alcohol before using them) to carefully snip the excess wire.
Lost Invisalign Aligner
The best way to avoid losing your Invisalign aligners is to always carry your case with you. We’ve lost count of how many times a patient has put their aligner on a napkin while eating, forgot and accidentally threw it away. However, if it is lost, call us right away so we can help you determine what your next steps should be. Depending on where you are in your wear schedule, we will either ask you to move forward to the next aligner or wear the previous one for longer. But remember to inform us so we can guide you with respect to your case.
General Discomfort
Well this can happen at times but be assured that it will pass in a day or two. Your go to home remedy again is rinsing with salt water. Stick to soft food and cold drinks until you're pain free. Sipping on some ice water from time to time is sure to help you. If you're experiencing too much pain, you can take an over the counter pain killer to lessen discomfort.
Swallowed a piece of your appliance
Well for starters, STAY CALM. Be sure to inform us so we can guide you further.
Most often it isn't something to be perturbed about. But if you have trouble breathing or find yourself coughing after you've swallowed something, it is possible that you aspirated it. Check your throat with a flashlight. If you don't feel good, go to the nearest emergency.
Now that you have all of the information you need to tackle minor orthodontic mishaps, we hope you feel comfortable. With our Online Smile Consult Initiative, we want you to stay home, stay safe and help you alleviate any discomfort you may be in without having to rush to a dental office. You can be rest assured that if something does happen to your braces or aligners, we’ll keep your smile makeover on track.